Jobs for Life: Lonnie’s Story

On June 2, a group of seven incarcerated men at the Warren County Regional Jail graduated from Jobs for Life. During the class, they learned Biblical principals and practical applications for employment to help them get and keep a job when they are released from jail. Lonnie shares how the class impacted his life:

"I wanted to find a better way of living and learn how to be a positive influence in my community when I get out of here. That's why I joined Jobs for Life, to get everything I could out of it. During the program, I experienced love. I've never been around a group of guys that take time out of their lives to come in and show us another way to live, introduce God to us, and show how that plays out in our lives. I've never had anyone do that, so it was a great experience.

We read the story of Jonah in our book. I've been running away from God my whole life. God's been trying to protect me, and I always ran away from Him. That's the story of Jonah. He ran, he didn't want to do God's word, even though he knew what God's word was. You know, I feel like I was in the fish, I feel like he spit me back out, and I still ignored God. This class brought to my attention that I've been doing that because I had never seen that story before. That showed so much light to me and let me know that I can do it, I can change my ways. I've just been running.

My plan is to use this class to take the step toward employment, to stay in contact with sober people, and allow this to grow in my life. I'll do volunteer work... wherever it goes. God only knows that."


Jobs for Life: Kris’ Story


Program Living: Jacob’s Story