24/7 DAD

24/7 Dad® is a 12 week course based on a philosophy that supports the growth and development of fathers as caring, compassionate people who treat themselves, others, and the environment with respect and dignity. This philosophical basis of caring and compassion forms the underlying structure that constitutes the values that are taught in the 24/7 Dad® programs. This philosophy, combined with the redeeming value of a biblical foundation of fatherhood, successfully changes fathers’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills toward parenting and has lifelong value in keeping fathers actively involved in their children's lives.

24/7 Dad® is an Evidence-Based Program: Independent research shows that 24/7 Dad® creates statistically significant changes in pro-fathering knowledge, attitudes, and skills for fathers who participate in the program compared to fathers who don’t participate in it.

Monday 3–5 PM
March 3 - May 19
September 22 - December 8


Complete the sign-up form online or bring your completed application to our office at 112 W 10th Ave. Please call (270) 904-1200 or email info@hopehousebg.com with questions.