Click the photos below to learn more about our ministries.
Jobs for Life: 8-week class teaching Biblical principles and practical skills for employment
Faith & Finances: 12-week class teaching Biblical principles and practical skills for financial management
24/7 Dad: fatherhood class teaching fathers to be involved, responsible, and committed through Biblical parenting
Strengthening Families: teaches Biblical principles and practical skills for motherhood
Ready to Work Shuttle: affordable transportation 6 days a week to North Warren Transpark and South Industrial Park
Driver Ready Program: car purchasing program with income-based payments and no-interest financing for Faith & Finances graduates
Program Living: 12-month, gospel-based, residential addiction recovery programs for men and women

Affordable Christmas: empowering parents to provide gifts for their children at one-tenth of the retail value
Community 461: affordable, transitional housing with supportive services and case management