Jobs for Life

Jobs for Life is a workforce readiness program that teaches Biblical principles and practical skills for employment.

Along with Biblical principles of work, students learn to interact with local business leaders in business roundtables and mock interviews, as well as learn about resume, interviewing and networking skills. These 8-week classes provide students with the support, encouragement, and help needed to become employed. Our goal with this ministry is to enable the physically and spiritually poor to provide for themselves and their families and to find the joy and dignity of work.


Wednesday & Friday 3-5 PM
January 8 - February 28
May 7 - June 27
October 22 - December 12

Warren County Regional Jail Classes
Men’s & Women’s Classes
Thursday 12–2 PM
January 16 - March 27
August 14 - October 23


Faith & Finances teaches Biblical principles and practical skills to help low-income individuals manage their finances.

Learning to use money and resources in a way honors the Lord is a key part of the process of overcoming physical poverty. The Faith & Finances course provides opportunities for volunteers to come alongside of individuals and families and help them learn the key principles of managing money, like expense tracking, budgeting, and saving. This course helps individuals and families take an active role in healing the brokenness in their lives that has lead them to poverty. It also gives them the joy of using their money to help themselves, their families, and others in their community who are in need as well. Faith & Finances is an 12-week course.


Monday 7 - 9 PM
February 10 - April 28
September 8 - November 24


Monday 3–5 PM
March 3 - May 19
September 22 - December 8

24/7 Dad

24/7 Dad teaches Biblical principles and practical skills for fatherhood.

24/7 Dad® is a 12 week course based on a philosophy that supports the growth and development of fathers as caring, compassionate people who treat themselves, others, and the environment with respect and dignity. This philosophical basis of caring and compassion forms the underlying structure that constitutes the values that are taught in the 24/7 Dad® programs. This philosophy, combined with the redeeming value of a biblical foundation of fatherhood, successfully changes fathers’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills toward parenting and has lifelong value in keeping fathers actively involved in their children's lives.

24/7 Dad® is an Evidence-Based Program: Independent research shows that 24/7 Dad® creates statistically significant changes in pro-fathering knowledge, attitudes, and skills for fathers who participate in the program compared to fathers who don’t participate in it.


Strengthening Families teaches Biblical principles and practical skills for motherhood.

The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program for high-risk and general population families that is recognized both nationally and internationally. We have adapted the curriculum to include Biblical references that support the parenting principles taught in the class. Children are a nation’s most valuable asset. They deserve to grow up in a stable, loving family with nurturing caregivers who protect them from abuse, help them become their best selves, and stay addiction-free. Strengthening Families teaches mothers to steward the gift of their children well, and gives them the skills and knowledge to be caring, involved, and responsible parents.


Thursday 7 - 8:30 PM
March 20 - May 22
October 2 - December 18