Since 2009, Hope House has grown to provide faith-based education, transportation, workforce development, addiction recovery, and financial empowerment programs with the mission to alleviate physical and spiritual poverty through gospel restoration. As a 14-year-old organization, our work has only begun. As our city grows in number, the needs of our neighbors grow, and we must grow too. We have a vision to expand our current ministries to include counseling, family visitation, medical services, more classes, and affordable and transitional housing.

With your help, this vision will come to life in three phases. First, we will build townhomes to serve as transitional housing for program participants and graduates. Second, we will build a new ministry center to house offices, counseling rooms, medical services, classes, family visitation, and a playroom. Last, we will build tiny homes to serves as affordable, transitional housing for participants of our programs and neighbors experiencing homelessness. Learn more about each phase in our funding initiative packet below, and please consider how you can help!

If you or your business would like to learn more about partnering with us for this project, please email

HELP US RAISE $5.5 MILLION to impact over 1,800 people per year