We are excited to add Community 461 to our existing programs and services at Hope House. This new program provides affordable, supportive, and transitional housing for Program Living graduates and graduates of other addiction recovery programs. By the end of 2025, we will have a total of 14 available townhomes where neighbors can live and receive supportive services while transitioning to independence in sobriety. We have completed the first six townhomes, and our first neighbors will move in soon!
The supportive services that neighbors at Community 461 receive include case management, counseling, financial education, employment assistance, parenting and family counseling and education, family reunification support, sobriety accountability, and more. Learn how you can support this program below. Community 461 is phase one of our three-phase capital campaign. Click here to learn more about our next steps.
Support Community 461
Neighbors of Community 461 make income-based program payments, but they do not cover our full operational cost for the program. We rely on the generosity of people like you to help us continue providing this affordable, supportive housing for neighbors seeking a life free from addiction. Please complete the form below to donate today, or click the buttons below to shop our online registries. Items purchased from the registries will be given to new neighbors to help make Community 461 their home.